#sick child /child health care, Nursing a sick child Nursing sick infants & young children is mainly common sense & knowing when to call for professional help. $2 !i! If in doubt, seek medical advice. !n! Infectious diseases & common ailments of infants are detailed in their own sections, with an outline of treatment where appropriate. Typical day-to-day symptoms may include: $1 fever or raised temperature difficulty breathing (possibly {asthma}) {vomiting} {diarrhea} excessive drowsiness irritability abdominal pain sore throat earache $1 FEVER: A temperature in isolation can be treated for 24hrs with acetominophen or {paracetamol}, but be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage. If in doubt, seek competent medical advice. $2 !b! DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE - IT IS DANGEROUS. !n! Tepid sponging helps to lower a temperature but must be done correctly. Use water which is at blood heat (similar temperature to baby's bath). With a sponge, wash forehead, trunk, abdomen & legs. If high temperature persists, seek competent medical advice. DIFFICULTY BREATHING (ASTHMA): Rarely diagnosed early enough, indications of {asthma} are: $1 persistent cough, particularly at night (no runny nose) wheezing, particularly at night family history of {asthma}, or hay fever history of infantile {eczema} $1 Always seek medical advice, learn the technique of using inhalers & when to give medicine. A good tip for a child who suffers from {croup} is to put them in a steamy atmosphere. Run a hot bath & sit with the child in the bathroom breathing the steamy air. This has a soothing effect & can encourage sleep when the coughing fit has subsided. Similarly a vaporizer can be placed in the bedroom, but !b! in a safe place where a child cannot reach it. !n!